2014 Trash for Turtles



In the second year of the “Trash for Turtles” project, we took part in ten roadway clean ups and recycled 432 lbs (an estimated 13,818) aluminum cans.



This year, many groups and families also helped collect cans. Like one local family who did their own roadway cleanup. Wow, look at all those cans!



And “Ms. Jackie” who gave us a whole truck load of cans (literally)!



Two local schools also got involved. We painted boxes and made signs to encourage students, staff, and parents to bring in cans to help the sea turtles.



In addition to collecting and recycling aluminum cans, we created sea turtle artwork that was featured on notecards that were then sold. All proceeds from the sale of the cards went to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center (GSTC). In all, we sold 47 sets of cards.



A total of $647.57 was raised this year. We delivered the money to the GSTC in April 2014. We described our project, with the help of some visual aids, and presented the money to Dr. Marr, the GSTC General Manager.



We also met with Dr. Norton, the GSTC Director and Veterinarian.



This is also when I fell in love with a green sea turtle named Mahi, who was injured by fishing line. Among other issues, she lost her front right flipper as a result of her entanglement. Mahi became the motivation for my future “Trash for Turtles” efforts.



We presented the results of our project to a local preK class. I also wrote a children’s book entitled “Help Our Oceans” which I read to the class as well.
