Sixteen Candles (for Sea Turtles)

This project ended August 31, 2023 with a total of $715.20 raised. Thank you to everyone who supported me and my project – and congratulations to our two winners!

In honor of my sixteenth birthday, I created a new fundraising project called Sixteen Candles (for Sea Turtles) to raise $1600 for the Caretta Research Project. Each of the sixteen candles on the sea turtle below represents $100. Every time I raise $100, I will light another candle. My goal is to light all sixteen candles this summer and make this birthday my best one yet!

Of course, I can’t do this without your help! From now until August, you can help by donating through this site or in-person to light all the turtle candles. 

For every $5 donation, you can also be entered into a raffle for a signed matted print of sea turtles taken by scientist and underwater photographer Christina Richards. She graciously donated two prints for this project, a green sea turtle and a loggerhead sea turtle which both nest along our Georgia coast. Be sure to note if you would like to be entered into this drawing when donating, or send me a note here.

Okay, now let’s light some candles!!!