Dangers to Sea Turtles
Posted On January 31, 2016
Many of the sea turtles get hurt or killed by us. We can hurt them very badly. So, today I want to talk about some of the dangers facing sea turtles.
Here are some of the dangers:
- Some people try to kill and eat sea turtles and their eggs.
- Sea turtles sometimes get caught in fishing nets and with fishing hooks.
- When we pollute the Earth, turtles can caught in the trash and drown. Sometimes, they try to eat it and starve.
- Artificial lighting can hurt turtles by directing hatchlings away from the sea and scaring mommy turtles from nesting. If you want to look at a sea turtle or walk the beach at night, be sure to use a red light!
This is my favorite sea turtle, Mahi. She got returned to the ocean on July 7, 2015. - Turtles are easily hurt when there is an oil spill. The oil can burn their skin and they sometimes even mistake oil for food which can hurt their insides, too. If you see oil in the water, please call someone right away, so the turtles can be rescued and the oil spill cleaned up.
- The last thing that can harm a sea turtle is climate change. Climate change can cause wacky weather, so it can be super cold one day and warm the next.If cold weather comes too fast, sea turtles can become cold stunned and need to be rescued.
These are some of the reasons sea turtles are harmed. What can we do to help?