Movie Night
This past Tuesday, I saw a movie about plastic – how it is made, how we use it, and how it can affect us. The movie is called Bag It.

A big message from this movie is with plastic, there is no “away.” When the garbage man comes and picks up the plastic trash, he takes it to the landfill. That is “away,” but it doesn’t actually go anywhere. It just gets smaller and smaller. Sometimes it doesn’t even make it to the landfill. Like all the plastic trash we see when we do our river and road cleanups. It floats, drifts, or the wind takes it “away.” A lot of this trash some day will go to the ocean. When it gets into one of our garbage patches (What Is a Garbage Patch?) that are in the ocean, it still never goes away. It will just break down into smaller pieces. Then animals will eat them. Animals such as birds, fish, and sea turtles. Everyone should see this movie, because we need to save the environment and keep our people safe. I would like businesses, kids in schools, and government officials all to watch it
At the end of the movie, these special people that help the environment came. The Georgia Sea Turtle Center people were there and the guy who starred in the film. His name is Jeb Berrier.

People could ask them questions. I wanted to ask what percentage of the world’s trash is plastic. I did not get to ask this question, but maybe one of you could tell me what the answer is.
Our use of plastic bags is important to me, because I do not want to harm living things. Americans use at least 60,000 plastic bags every 5 minutes! That’s crazy! I would like to see more people carrying reusable shopping bags and saying no to plastic produce bags!
This movie teaches you to help keep the environment clean in other ways, too, like:
• Packing food in reusable containers.
• Using reusable water bottles
• NOT buying plastic water bottles or using styrofoam cups
Other tips can be found on the Bag It movie website at
The movie was great, but there were some other things that we saw that were cool, too. At the theater, they had compost and recycling bins. Soda was half price if you brought your own cup! And they even gave out free information and reusable bags!
Thank you, Green Scene of Coastal Georgia for putting on the Bag It event. It was an awesome night!
That’s cool, I want to watch that movie! Well, I found out that it is believed that 90% of all trash floating in the ocean is made up of plastic.