Hi, I am Hannah’s little sister, and I am doing a guest post about our nature walks.
We found some fun things. Here are some of them.
This is a feather. We think it is from a mockingbird.
We found this mockingbird’s nest in our neighbor’s tree.
We collected lots of flowers in our bucket, so we can press them. I have not done that before. I wonder what they will look like.
This bluebird’s nest was in my Grandpa’s mailbox. It had 5 eggs. Wow!
This is a snake that was near the lake. Do you see it? We did not get close to it.
We saw a pileated wood pecker! Isn’t that so crazy!?!?These ducks were hungry, but we did not have any food.This is a turtle that was laying in the sun being lazy, I think.
We had lots of fun and we didn’t even have to go far!!!