Recyling Club Update September-October 2016
Posted On October 15, 2016
Hello to all my Earth Inspired Kids supporters out there!
Today, I am going to update you all on the recycling club at my school. We had our third meeting last week and we have some great things going on already!
- At our first two meetings, we helped write some essays for a grant to teach our school about plastic pollution and how we can reduce our use of plastic water bottles. We should find out if we got it in December, so our fingers are crossed!
- Like last year, our school is going to recycle aluminum cans to raise money for new playground equipment. Last year, our school collected and recycled 620 pounds of cans (that is almost 20,000 cans!). The “big red box” is back and ready to go even bigger this year!
- Our club also decided to start recycling things like markers and pens at our school. We are going to decorate shoe boxes for each class at our school to make it easy for everyone to recycle. We already have all the shoe boxes we need, too. Yay!
- At our third meeting, we made our FIRST school video! In our video, students dropped items in the trash can while another told them they could recycle them. We wanted to show our school that recycling is fun and a good thing to do for our environment and our school. It was A LOT of fun!
That is what has happened at our recycling club meetings so far.

We are excited to get started with our first (of many) recycling projects! Stay tuned for more updates to come…