Recycling Club Update November-December 2016
Posted On December 28, 2016
This time of year can be busy with lots of holiday fun, but members of our school Recycling Club have been busy in other ways, too! We have really enjoyed these couple of days of recycling club and so wanted to share with you some of our recent club activities.
- We started a recycling program for writing utensils. To make it easy for students and staff, we collected old shoeboxes and sprayed them green, so we could put one in each classroom and some other rooms, too. We are using a program called ColorCycle from Crayola to recycle old markers. The other writing utensils, like pens and mechanical pencils, will be used in an upcoming art project.
A Recycling Club member showing one of the decorated ColorCycle boxes she made.
- We also worked together to write a grant for a recycling project. This was very new to us, but we had some great ideas. Unfortunately, we did not win the grant. But we learned lots in the process and are determined to try again!
- To learn more about the problems with plastic, we watched the Bag It movie with our club. We had popcorn balls to eat and yummy homemade lemonade to drink. The things we liked about the Bag It movie was we got to see how much plastic we use and how much we need to stop using so much.
- During our last meeting before winter break, we made self-watering planters out of old plastic soda bottles. They were so cool! This day, we also discussed what we are going to do in 2017. Our two big goals are to do a writing contest and an art project with non-recyclable writing tools.
Some Recycling Club members making self-watering planters from old soda bottles.
We are a new club and we are learning as we go. We are excited by what we have started and what we have planned at our school. We hope to grow into a bigger club and get some grants in the future, so we can make some of our even bigger ideas happen, too!