Awesome January Happenings
I’ve had some AWESOME things happen this month, and I just had to share with all of you! Because YOU are AWESOME, too!
The first awesome thing I did this month was participate in the regional Technology Fair where I live. I entered my mircoplastics documentary in the video production category. Microplastics are small plastics that are found in lotions, cleaners, and clothing (like tee shirts and fleece). These can be ingested by small fish and other animals. I did a science fair project about what I found in local Redbreast Sunfish diets. If you haven’t seen my documentary yet, you can check it out here and learn more about microplastics in fish! I am so excited I won first place at regional competition. Wahoo! Wish me luck for state competition in March.

The second awesome thing I did this month was be honored as one of the One Hundred Miles 100. One Hundred Miles is an organization that works on Georgia’s 100-mile coast. Each year One Hundred Miles chooses 50 people that did something great for our coast. Then the 50 people chosen choose one person that has been very supportive of them. This then makes the 100 miles 100! I was nominated and chosen to be one of these people. I then chose my mother. Even though you don’t see her in the videos or pictures, she is always there. I wouldn’t be doing my great work if it wasn’t for my mom. Thank you, mom! The One Hundred Miles group also organized workshops where people can learn how to be a better advocate for our environment. I was able to go to three of those. I hope to put what I learned into better telling my story and to being a better advocate for Georgia’s coast.

Lastly, I presented my “Trash for Turtles” project to Georgia’s Board of Natural Resources. The Board of Natural Resources is made up of 19 people appointed by the Governor who are responsible for making important decisions about Georgia’s natural resources. They were very interested in my project and future goals, and I think they will help me on my conservation journey. I am so thankful for Georgia DNR Commissioner Mr. Mark Williams for inviting me to give my talk and for supporting my efforts.

Special thanks to my technology teachers (who helped me prepare for the Technology Fair), One Hundred Miles (for the honor and opportunity to take part in the Choosing to Lead conference), Ms. Debra Power (for my nomination), and Mr Mark Williams (for inviting me to present at the Board meeting) .
These are the AWESOME things I did during the month of January. What did you do that was AWESOME this month?
You are truly doing amazing things! You are such an inspiration to many and I love you and couldn’t be more proud of you Hannah