OHM Choosing to Lead Conference
Have you ever wanted to make a stand about climate change, pollution, landfills, or any other environmental issue in Georgia? At the One Hundred Miles Choosing to Lead Conference in Savannah, Georgia this month, I learned how to better spread my message, what other kids are doing, and more. I was even on a panel discussion with two other kids doing amazing things for Georgia’s coast! Now that I have given you the highlights, let’s go to the very beginning.

First, I had to wake up really early (5am! OUCH!) and head to Savannah. When I got there, we set up everything for my Trash for Turtles booth and picked up some of the free breakfast they had. Yum! Then, it was time for the opening speech to kick off the conference.
It was now time for our first session – designed just for kids like me! There, we learned about different environmental concerns. We learned about coal ash, oil drilling, and pollution. Did you know that ash from burning coal is toxic and full of chemicals? I didn’t even know what coal ash was before I came!
During lunch, we heard from author Mr. Paul Greenberg about fish and aquaculture. Then, it was time for my session. It was a panel discussion where kids talked to other kids about how they can help. This session was called Why Fit in, When You Were Born to Stand Out. Mr. Atiba introduced us and allowed each of us to share our story. I spoke to kids about my Trash for Turtles project, showing how little actions can make a big difference. Antonio spoke about his experience with the BRAG Dream Team cycling organization and their mission to create safe greenways for kids. Finally, Monty talked about how he created a STEAM club at his school and how they lobby our state’s legislators to help our oceans. We also answered lots of questions from the audience.

After a short break, it was time to head to our last session where we learned about taking action. We wrote down different actions we can take and shared them with other kids in the workshop.
After that was the closing speech by Mrs. Angelou Ezeilo, who started the Greening Youth Foundation in Atlanta.
I had such a great time! This convention happens every year and anyone – kids included! – is invited to come. So, if you want to learn more about what is going on on our coast and how you can take action, this is the place for you! Mark your calendars for the 4th Annual Choosing to Lead Conference to take place at Jekyll Island on March 7, 2020!
*Special thanks to our session’s moderator, Mr. Atiba Mbiwan, and session organizer, Mrs. Stephanie Chewning!*

Wow, that’s awesome! So proud of you, Hannah!