No One is Too Small to Make a Difference
Greta Thunberg. That is the name of a 16 year old climate change activist from Sweden. She has Aspergers, a type of autism. That is what makes her so special! Recently, she spoke to the United Nations about climate change and that world leaders are not doing enough to help. She speaks directly and powerful, and many people – especially young people – are listening. And believe it or not, she started as just a kid who protested about climate change by herself! Greta says talking at the UN Climate Summit in New York, “The eyes of the future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say – we will never forgive you.” Greta also continues to get mean and terrible comments about her, but she makes them into something positive. Even when other people may not believe her, she knows what she is doing is right. People don’t understand that money is not everything. The young people will have to suffer, because leaders made choices for short term economic growth. Sea levels are rising, animals are going extinct, people are suffering. The statistics show the truth and the science is clear. Will our leaders step up?
Greta Thunberg is just a girl standing up for what she believes is right. Don’t be afraid to do a little thing because of what people say, and don’t get discouraged if no change is made right away. Every little thing can make a big difference! Picking up one piece of trash could be the difference! So, be the ONE.

It’s awesome that young people are speaking out about these issues. It’s a shame that people are being so critical of her.
I agree. Greta is a huge role model for me and I hope she is for others too. No one is too small to make a difference!