Hooray for trash cans! Now, it’s time to do your part!
Boat ramps always seem to have trash littered all around them no matter how long it has been since they were last cleaned up. One thing I had noticed is that there were no trash receptacles at any of our local Satilla River boat ramps. I often wondered if people would be more likely to throw their trash out properly if there was proper disposal. Back in 2017, I proposed several actions to our county commissioners to help with our littering problem, including putting “more trash cans where people go.” Many people supported this idea, including those who signed my petition and Jason Rubenbauer, our County Manager who has been a supporter of my project and anti-littering efforts ever since. I was so excited to find out that he and Chris Bertrand, our new Satilla Riverkeeper, organized to get trash cans at the 121 boat ramp!
Naturally, my family and I had to take a trip down to the boat ramp to see it with our own eyes. Sure enough, there were glorious trash cans there!
Getting trash cans at the 121 boat ramp has been a long time coming. It’s been difficult figuring out when and how to get the trash picked up in a timely manner. This is really a huge deal for Pierce County and I am so proud of everyone’s efforts to make this happen!
Already, there was trash in the cans, but there was also lots of trash littered around the boat ramp. Our leaders have done their part, now we – the users of the boat ramp – need to do ours. It’s 2022, throw your trash in a trash can and tell all your friends to do the same!
And this is only the beginning! Mr. Chris informed me that more trash cans are at the FFA Camp Landing and also coming to Ava Strickland, Herrin Lake, and Warners Landings in the near future! Be on the look out for those and let’s keep trash where it belongs, out of the river.