Calling All Volunteers: Satilla Riverkeeper Annual Clean-Up, August 24! (RESCHEDULED for September 21)

UPDATE: Due to high water, the cleanup has been rescheduled for Saturday, September 21 from 9-11am
Every year, the Satilla Riverkeeper holds a river-wide clean up. I have taken part in this for many years, both as a participant and site leader, and I am excited to be joining the effort again this year. On Saturday, August 24 from 9-11AM, I will be leading a clean up at the Jamestown Landing site.
What does a site leader do? A site leader is a dedicated person responsible for organizing the clean-up and helping other volunteers. Anyone can become a site leader, but normally experienced volunteers are best suited for the job. The responsibilities of a site leader are to check-in volunteers and supply them with necessary materials like gloves, grabbers, and trash bags. They should also deliver a small safety briefing before the event. For instance, newer volunteers may not be aware that sharp objects should go inside another container so the garbage bag doesn’t rip or someone doesn’t get injured. That being said, a site leader always has a first-aid kit just in case.
I think my favorite part of being a site leader is greeting all of the volunteers that take time out of their day to help the environment and keep our river clean. Clean-ups have brought together people who I never would have met otherwise. It is especially moving to see young kids help out on their first clean-ups. Many people leave with changed perspectives.
I invite you to register and join us! This is not only a great way to give back to the environment but also a great accomplishment. Nothing compares to the feeling of looking at a big pile of trash and being able to say, “We did that!”