MLK Service Day 2016
Posted On January 19, 2016
Today was an awesome day! We helped all the animals by doing a road clean up. The reason we did a road clean up is because today is Martin Luther King Jr National Day of Service. During the clean up, we had a lot of cans! My mother let me take pictures!
My sister, my mom, my dad, and I did the road clean up.
At the end of our road clean up, we had a lot of cans to take to the recycling center. My sister picked up most of the cans.
We used our grabbers to get the cans that were in the mud. The things that we saw were not what we expected. We saw a lot of styrofoam cups, tires, and piles of trash.
So, that is what we did to help the environment today!
Keep up the amazing work!! Thank you for caring so much about the world we live in!
Thank You! I will try to keep it up 🙂