Georgia’s Rivers Alive Program
Have you heard of Rivers Alive? Rivers Alive is a volunteer waterway cleanup that targets waterways in Georgia. The goal of Rivers Alive is to tell people about preserving Georgia’s waterways. These cleanup events occur each fall, like this one we helped with last October at one of the Satilla River boat ramps.
So, what are we doing with them? I was first introduced to the Rivers Alive program a few years ago. At one of their events, I recorded all the types of trash we picked up, using their Rivers Alive datasheets. I wanted all of the data we were going to collect for my TRASH-a-thon to be used in other ways, too. That is why I used the Rivers Alive tally sheets for all of my cleanups. I will be spending a few weeks this summer entering all of my data into the Rivers Alive database online. Then other people in the state can use my data! If you are interested in what we collected during my TRASH-a-thon, here is a quick summary table: