2018 Trash for Turtles Project Summary

We had some challenges this year, but I am really proud of what we were able to accomplish – with your help! – for my 6th annual Trash for Turtles project.

We raised $1,199.13 in all! That includes proceeds from the sale of bracelets, stainless steel straw sets, and other Trash for Turtle items, as well as money and can donations. I gave $400 to the Satilla River Water Trail Partnership to help with their pollution control efforts along the Satilla River, and the rest was used to purchase game cameras and equipment for sea turtle research being conducted by the Georgia DNR Coastal Resources Division on Sapelo Island.

My sales booth at our local wildlife refuge!

My family and I also participated in four local cleanups, three at different boat ramps along the Satilla River, and one in Mill Creek where I conducted my microplastics in sunfish science fair project. You can learn more about my project by watching this mini documentary.

Lots of trash at our local boat ramps, like this one!

I continued my local work to advocate for change to clean up my county. I spoke to six different local organizations and school groups, followed up with our county commissioners, and added some new learning activities on my blog.

Trash for Turtles presentation for 3rd graders at a local school.

Thank you to each of you who helped make this another successful year, pushing our Trash for Turtles project over the $6,500 mark and spreading the word about cleaning up our environment! You guys are TURTLEY awesome!

I can’t wait to see what is up ahead for my 7th annual Trash for Turtles project in 2019…stay tuned!
