Big Fishing
Most people know I love sea turtles, because I raise money for them. But did you know I have another favorite animal? I love dun dun dun… SHARKS!!!
This month with my family, I went shark fishing off a pier near me. I have been asking for months to go shark fishing, so I was really happy that I finally got to go! We had to get up really early to get to the pier at the best times for fishing. Once we got to the pier, we baited up our big rods and cast them out into the water. Then we waited. I got the first bite of the day and it was a croaker fish. I caught some more fish after that, but still no shark. Soon a friend came on the pier. He tried to steal our bait for lunch, how rude! But he was a brown pelican, so what could you expect?! My sister, Lily, was trying to scare him away from our bait. It was really funny. Local fishermen say his name is George and he always sticks around waiting to get a free meal. More hours passed and still no shark. We finally had to go, without a shark at all. Where were all the sharks? Maybe they were somewhere else or maybe they weren’t biting for some reason. Even though no shark hit our lines, I still had a fun time with my family and I can’t wait to try again!

Oh and a little spoiler alert! This year, not only will I be raising money for sea turtle conservation, but I will also be raising money for shark conservation. Isn’t that so cool?!?! That’s all I can say right now, but stay tuned to find out more!
Wow, sounds fun!
I had a great time even though no sharks bit our lines. Thank you for reading about my fun trip and commenting!