Clean Up Pierce County

Help us clean up Pierce County! Let’s join together to make sure our County is a beautiful and nice place for people to live and visit and we have a healthy environment for all of us.
Please stay tuned to this page for specific ways you can help support local efforts to curb littering and illegal dumping in our community.
Want to learn more about efforts to bring about change at our local level, and how you can help? Check out these EIK posts and other county resources below:
- 2019 Youth Initiative: Life’s Fantastic without Plastic
- 2018 Trash Survey: Results from an online survey of county citizens
- 2017 Trash-a-thon: Learn about this 10-mile clean up documenting the amount and kinds of trash found along our local roadways
- Satilla Riverkeeper: Local organization that organizes various river clean ups each year