Trash Survey Results

For the past couple of years, I have been trying to bring awareness to our community about our county’s trash problem. But am I just one of the few people who think we have a problem and want to do something about it? I created a survey to find out! This was an online survey that was shared on Facebook from February 21-27, 2018. I received over 300 responses, but today, I am only going to show the results of the 270 adult (18 yrs old and up) county residents who took the survey.

Here are the FIVE important questions from my survey:

1. Most (65%) people feel that littering is a problem where they live and 32% also feel there is an illegal dumping problem where they live. That’s a lot of people who think we have a trash problem, so I am not alone!

2.  Almost everyone – 93% of respondents – said they feel the county government should be doing more to deal with our trash problem.

3. These are the actions that people support to tackle our county’s trash problem. Most people wanted more opportunities to get rid of large items like tires and furniture. Other top actions they support are: increasing enforcement of illegal dumping, increasing recycling opportunities, and educating kids about the effects of pollution. 

4. People are willing to make changes themselves, too. About 74% of respondents are very or extremely willing to change their lifestyle to reduce the amount of trash they produce. 

5. Being kinder to the environment can make good business sense, too! Look at how many people would be willing to support businesses that are environmentally responsible!

The results of this survey are clear. There are many people in our county who want us to do and be better. We all want the same thing, a clean environment!

Thank you so much to everyone who took my survey! I hope this will help us move closer to solving our trash problem. The time is now. Make your voice heard and tell our county commissioners that you want action on this issue!


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