Trash for Turtles Read-a-thon: Book 1

***UPDATE: This book has been fully sponsored! Stay tuned for other Read-a-thon sponsorship opportunities this spring.***

As a part of my 2021 Trash for Turtles project, I will be doing a read-a-thon to raise money for the Caretta Research Project on Wassaw National Wildlife Refuge. Each page can be sponsored here and as you do this you will be entered into a drawing for a free t-shirt or bracelet and the opportunity to donate the book to a local library of your choosing.

The first book is The Windward Road by Archie Carr. It has 258 pages, so I am currently looking for sponsors to help me reach my $258 goal for this book.

I can’t wait to read this novel! This is one of the many I will read so make sure to sponsor.

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this year’s Trash-for-Turtles!

Check back here to follow our progress: This book has been fully sponsored! Thank you so much to all my sponsors! You can find my review of this book here.